Incurably Human
Incurably Human
Ask Jenny: Pacing

Ask Jenny: Pacing


Snuggle up with a warm drink or a fleecy blanket, and enjoy this audio edition of Ask Jenny! This month, Jenny answers questions about pacing. In case the term is new to you, pacing is a strategy used by people with ME/CFS to manage post-exertional malaise and live an active life within one’s personal limitations. You don’t have to have ME/CFS for pacing to be helpful and effective. In its simplest form, pacing just means that you build in rest between activities. You rest before hitting a wall, rather than waiting for the crash. Doing so helps cultivate a context in which healing is possible.

Pacing is hard, though, as Jenny will tell you. During the holidays, family members and friends may put extra pressure on us to engage in activities that are beyond our current comfort zone or energy threshold. That makes this an especially good time to pause and consider how best to care for ourselves. Whether the pressure to do more comes from others or from a voice inside you, I think you’ll find Jenny’s words helpful and inspiring!

P.S. Would anyone like to participate in a Corona Cafe Zoomsgiving? I’m picturing a very informal hour (or so) Zoom gathering some time this weekend. We can chit chat about long-haul life or about light and fluffy matters like our pets, what we ate for breakfast, funny youtube videos, etc. Let me know if you’re interested!

Incurably Human
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