Mar 26, 2021Liked by Lisa Jensen

Yam yum! This made me smile =)

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Mar 26, 2021Liked by Lisa Jensen

I love this Lisa 💓 thank you! A few days ago I just got up and felt like dancing and so I did. I had to stop every 10secs cause I was dancing like crazy 😂 but it just felt soooo good to let my body express the cocktail of emotions I have inside...I think my neighbours saw me but, oh Well, they already think Im crazy!

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Yes!! Emotions are so physical and it feels so healing to let them out through movement. I am so glad that was possible for you! On days where I feel sicker and can’t move my body much, I sometimes resort to my own random, invented gesticulations to express what’s inside. If my neighbors could see me, they would definitely think I’m crazy!

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Mar 27, 2021Liked by Lisa Jensen

I love that! I'll try it :)

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by Lisa Jensen

Hi Lisa well put it. I think you are absolutely right symptoms can take it all in my body and my mind. It’s hard to find the right balance of pushing my body to heal and not pushing too hard. I think I am scared of many unexpected symptoms over the year. So I do some days more than others go for it even if that means I will have to stop for few hours or a day or two after. I had done a plank for a whole minute yesterday! And I felt so happy

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I love your suggestion of gesticulation to show what’s inside!

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