Really needed this today!

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"I’ve been trying on different voices lately—different refrains." Me too, Lisa, me too! I once had a therapist who told me that it was easier to be negative, because the brain registers negativity quicker than positivity. Being positive and happy takes more mindful direction, and that's something I've been making a priority of mine. When my default is to lean into the negatives of a situation, I am trying to reframe my thoughts to be positive. It absolutely makes a difference. Perspective is everything! When you wrote, "The urgency and scarcity revving up my nervous system were fictions of my own mind—byproducts of my unexamined beliefs," that resonated with me on a deep level. There's always a list of things I should be doing, but what about the things we WANT to be doing? What is actually necessary? Maybe that comes down to perspective, too.

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This reminded me of how different chronos and kairos feel. Chronos? TYRANNY and terror (think: last season of stranger things, the ticking grandfather clock letting you know Vecna is about to turn up from upside down world and drag you back with him)! Kairos? truth; there are seasons for things in a lifetime. Whew. I will now redirect my gaze to kairos. Thanks for the reminder!

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“here I am going rogue, waltzing off-list, writing this post that I imagined I had no time to write. Here’s what I feel: calm, a sense of abundance, space opening up around me” yeeeeeeeess!! ‘I don’t have enough time’ is a major (limiting) belief/refrain for me, too. (I also secretly think a dog will cure me of some of my current problems haha, and your post is giving my fantasies weight🧞‍♀️) I’m happy you experienced this delicious moment! Very happy calm met you when you slowed 🫶🏽✨🦄

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